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bootybarre in
australiabootybarre is so much more than just a workout, it is a life changer. bootybarre provides that unique combination of strength, flexibility and cardio intervals all performed to high energy dance music that is really addictive. Since introducing bootybarre to our studio we have seen an increase in revenue by more than 50%.Linda Harrison Sway Bar Pilates www.swaybar.com.au
bootybarre in
belgiumDe lessen waren ook vrijwel onmiddellijk een succes. Allemaal enthousiaste dames, toffe energie,…heerlijk om zo les te mogen/kunnen geven! Bootybarre…ik ben fan!Martien Janssen Pilates BodyCenter www.pilatesbodycenter.be
bootybarre in
CanadaAs a studio owner – I work hard to bring new and exciting classes to our studio. and took time to research many of the barre programs currently on the market – after looking online, ordering and working out to Tracey’s videos with my staff, the decision was made to bring bootybarre® to our studio. It was the best decision!Jana Danielson Owner & Instructor | Lead Pilates Saskatoon, SK Canada
bootybarre in
ChinaBootybarre是普拉提和常规运动的完美结合,注重身体灵活性和力量的加强,不仅有趣而且有效,不仅火辣而且时尚,深受广大男士及女士的追捧。爱美的你们,bootybarre练起来!CK Chen - Body Concepts Pilates Studio Shanghai
bootybarre in
Dubaibootybarre format and movement chisels one’s body into a lean and slender physique. It combines Pilates, yoga and dance movement into one cohesive, graceful and diverse repertoire of exercises which invigorate your body and your soul.Joanna Kasprzyk Zen Yoga Dubai, UAE
bootybarre in
ItalySono un’istruttrice di Booty Barre una disciplina creata da Tracey Mallet, ballerina professionista e Pilates Master Trainer. Il metodo Booty Barre si ispira ai principi fondamentali di discipline come danza, […]Deborah Lo Scalzo
bootybarre in
Japanブーティーバーは今大人気クラスへと成長中です!ピラティス、ヨガ、バレエの動きを合わせ、アップテンポなビートの中で行うこのクラスは全身をバランスよくボディメイキングするのに最適。ピラティスの原則を元に作られているので年齢や運動経験を問わずどなたでもチャレンジできます。12あるBASIピラティススタジオのうち3スタジオから始めたこのプログラムはこれからも拡大していくこと間違いなし! ~ 吉川智子ブーティーバーマスタートレーナー
bootybarre in
RussiaЯ, Сарачоглу Александра являюсь сертифицированным инструктором по ” Booty Barre ” уже 1.5 года. Мои ученики в восторге от результатов, особенно в области бёдер,ягодиц ,живота. Урок настолько энергичный ,что совершенно не заметно, как он пролетает, и все ждут следующего раза.Sasha Yufereva Saraçoğlu Пилатес и попа Барре Инструктор
bootybarre in
South AfricaWhen I say that bootybarre changed my life, I am really not exaggerating! Tracey came to South Africa to teach the course in 2011. I am not sure really what […]Sally Ross
bootybarre in
South Korea부티바를 처음 접했을때는 사실 내가 그동한 해왔던 운동들과 다른 점들이 많았기 때문에 크게 매력을 느끼지 못했었다. 그리고 굉장히 체력소모가 많아 힘들다고만 느겼었다. 하지만 두번째 부티바 수업을 참여했을 때는 부티바의 장점들을 […]박혜원 Hyewon Park from South Korea
bootybarre in
Turkey2011 Haziran ayinda Tracey Mallet’dan Booty Barre egitimini aldim. Daha once bar egzersizlerinin bu kadar keyifli olabilecegini tahmin edemezdim. Bu ise Tracey, muthis enerjisini de dahil etmis olacak ki; bacaklarim titrerken yuzum hâla guluyordu J 2012 Haziran ayindaki Master Booty Barre programini almayi dort gozle bekliyorum. Tesekkurler Tracey!Elif Dalkılıç Toker Elif’s Studio Pilates Mersin, Turkey
bootybarre in
United KingdomI love teaching booty barre - it's fun, energetic with precision and I see my clients gaining strength day by day! I measure their progress every six or so weeks by repeating the very first routine so that they can see for themselves how the booty barre is changing their bodies, not only visually but physically!Ismini Philips, Chislehurst, London, UK www.isminiphillips.com